
Learn A Language Today Open the Door to Tomorrow!

Language Door provides weekly small group classes of Spanish, Chinese, French, Japanese, German, Greek, Korean, English, Arabic, Farsi, ASL – American Sign Language and dozens of other languages. Whether you are a total beginner, looking to learn a new language for work or travel, or an experienced linguist looking to brush up on a rarely-used language, we have a class that will suit your needs.

At Language Door our group classes last eight weeks and meet once per week for and hour and a half. The typical class size is three or four students, with a minimum enrollment of two and a maximum of eight.

Small class sizes ensure that, with an optimal student-to-teacher ratio, students will get ample personal attention, while making significant progress through material on a weekly basis. Weekly meetings allow for consistent scheduling, and give students time to work on homework and let the lessons sink in.

At the end of an eight-week session, students are ready to move up to the next level of instruction. We always offer the next level of your language at the same day and time, allowing you to keep your scheduling simple, and easy to incorporate into your busy lifestyle.

Get Started Today!

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